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Private Packagist for Events

Offer fast and reliable Composer operations despite unreliable or slow internet connections with package mirroring.

Private Packagist for Events is a time-limited free licence for Private Packagist Self-Hosted. It comes with the full feature set included in our on-premises product.

Most notably you can set up a shared organization for all participants of your event with mirroring for packagist.org, packages.drupal.org, wpackagist.org and any other Composer repository. After initial mirroring over the internet, package metadata and downloads will be available locally for everyone at your venue. Composer operations will finish quickly and reliably and pressure will be taken off your event’s internet connection.

We were very happy to have a Private Packagist instance for our event attendees and loved the personal support!

Stefan Koopmanschap
Organizer at WeCamp, Co-Owner of Ingewikkeld

Please fill out the form below to request an event licence.